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This week in Heaven Is for Real for Kids: 13 Sunday School Lessons for Ages 4-8 , we discovered that “Everyone is Happy in Heaven”. I had to modify the lesson a bit because much of it was designed to be done with a large group of kids. We still had fun though, and it gave Noelle a chance to take more time on the craft this week.
She made two self-portraits. The book says to use paper plates, but since I didn’t have any I just cut large circles from white cardstock. She made a happy her and a sad her, topping the faces off with yellow yarn for hair. We glued them to popsicle sticks and once they were dry, I read her a story about Colton Burpo and how he got really sick. At different parts throughout the story I would pause and ask Noelle how certain things made her feel. If it made her happy she would hold up the happy face and vice versa if it made her feel sad. The lesson really made her think about different emotions.
We discussed how there is no sadness, sickness, or even darkness in Heaven. Our scripture reference this week comes from Revelation 21:23-24:
“The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it. The glory of God (Elohim) is its light, and the Lamb is the city’s lamp. By its light, the people of the world will walk. The kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.”
I can’t wait! This lesson even made me do some thinking. I was reminded that the Bible says that God’s (Elohim’s) Word is a lamp for our feet (Psalm 119:105) and that it also says that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Word (John 1:1). I thought it was interesting how our verse from Revelation calls the Lamb the city’s lamp. Jesus (Yeshua) is the Word. He is our Lamp. He is our light. How sweet it will be when that trumpet sounds, ushering in His glorious return!
The lesson also said to use smiley face stickers and to hand them out to people this week, telling them that “Heaven is a happy place”. We decided to take it a step further instead by making smiley face cookies to hand out. Who wouldn’t be happy to get cookie while being reminded of all we have to look forward to?
I am so excited because I was given a copy of the beautifully illustrated book, Heaven is for Real for Kids from Thomas Nelson last month. Each page says something different about Heaven and matches up perfectly with each lesson from our curriculum. Having this as a companion really brings the lesson alive and gives us a visual for what the Bible says about Heaven.
What resources do you use to teach your children about Heaven? Leave your answer in the comments section for a chance to win a copy of Heaven is for Real for Kids.
Enter through Friday, March 8th via the Rafflecopter. Earn extra entries by connecting with me on my social media sites.
Also, check out these awesome resources for Heaven is for Real for Kids:
Until next time, Happy Reading!
Yours in Christ,
I was given a copy of these books through the Tommy Nelson Mommy program. I was not asked to write a positive review. All views and opinions expressed are solely and completely my own. This post also contains affiliate links. Click here to read my full policy.
Copyright © 2013
The Bible!
Yes, that is the ultimate authority on everything 🙂
I like using Christian books geared towards children.
Me too, Nickida:)
I like to use christian children books as well!
Awesome Jennifer;) Praise God for great resources.
We have only used the Bible so far, but my daughter was really interested in the book when I read it (the one for adults).
I liked the one for adults too:)