Review and Giveaway!
When I lost my mom, my world tilted in a way I never expected. I went through all the stages of grief from denial to acceptance, though I lingered for a long time on the bargaining stage.

My sweet Mama basking in Elohim’s creation. (This photo was taken by my Mom’s friend Misty)
If only I hadn’t moved to another state…
If only I had prayed harder for her to quit smoking….
If only I had spent more time with her during our visits…
The truth is Elohim knows exactly how many days we have here on this earth. Nothing we can do or say will change that He is the Almighty and He knows how long we have.
I remember crying out to Him, begging Him to rid my mom’s body of the disease that racked it so completely. I pleaded with Him for more time, praying that He would at least let her stick around a few more months so she could meet my second child, who was due to be born at that time.
She passed away in her sleep three days later.
It can be difficult to explain why the Almighty Healer who can give sight to the blind, make the lame to walk, and raise the dead allows His children to experience pain. Is it because He doesn’t care? Is He trying to teach us a lesson? If He is so good why is there so much ugliness in the world?
In Kirk Cameron’s most recent film Unstoppable, he tries to address these very questions. Using his own experiences with loss and grief, Kirk begins by having a heart to heart with viewers, sharing the tragedy that shook the lives of his friends when they lost their son. I really enjoyed this segment of the film because it was raw and real and resonated with me in a way that felt intimate and personal.
In the end, Kirk explains that the Almighty has a plan for each of us. We are put here on this earth to spread the good news that Yeshua died for us so we might live. He was the ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate bearer of pain and grief. There is not a feeling or emotion we experience that our Savior didn’t experience as well. Imagine a man who was fully human and fully Elohim, a sinless man who then took on the sin and pain of the entire world.
The Bible is full of tragedy. Cain killed Abel, and yet Elohim not only allowed Cain to live but He protected Him on top of that. We’re talking about a Creator who destroyed the earth’s population with a flood, kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden, and allowed his own people to spend years in captivity. He watched his own Son be murdered and did absolutely nothing about it! The hero of the story (as Kirk explains) doesn’t seem too much of a hero at all. From Hollywood’s perspective, stories like these don’t sell.
This begs the question, “What kind of hero does these kinds of things?”
The same one who brought something else into the picture—grace.
Grace is not a new concept. Grace didn’t begin at the cross. YHWH is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has always been gracious and loving and good. Knowing this, we can look at these stories from a different perspective.
When Adam and Even disobeyed, the wages of their sin was death (as it is for us all). But what did the Creator do? He clothed them and continued to provide for them. Grace. (Genesis 3:21)
When He flooded the earth, he spared Noah and his family. Why? Noah was a sinner just like everyone else, but the Bible tells us that he was righteous. He walked with Elohim and did as He commanded. Noah was shown grace. (Genesis 6:9,22)
Cain was showed grace when the Father spared his life, even after he murdered his own brother. (Genesis 4:15)
Israel disobeyed time and time again, turning to other gods and forgetting YHWH. But the Bible tells us that when Elohim was about to destroy them, upon the request of Moses He showed His people grace. (Deuteronomy 9)
Grace is sprinkled throughout the entire Bible from Adam to Paul. Account after account, time after time, our Creator has shed his grace upon the righteous and unrighteous alike.
So what does this mean?
We’re all sinners. We’ve all fallen short. (Romans 3:23) The world is filled with sin and evil. Horrible things happen to good people and good things happen to horrible people. (Matthew 5:45) In the end, YHWH sees it all. He sees our pain and suffering. (Genesis 16:13) He is compassionate and merciful. (James 5:11) He understands how we feel. He promises that one day we will not shed another tear, not feel another ounce of pain and grief. (Revelation 21:4)
All because of His Son.
This is the happily ever after to a tragic story. Yeshua died a horrible, brutal death. But then he rose again. Our King lives and He is coming. Death could not hold Him! He is Unstoppable!
More about the film…
Inspired by the death of Cameron’s close friend who succumbed to cancer at the age of 15, Kirk Cameron takes viewers on an inspiring and hope-filled visual journey to better understand the biggest doubt-raising question in faith: “Where is God in the midst of tragedy and suffering?”
Going back to the beginning—literally—Kirk investigates the origins of good and evil and how they impact our lives … and our eternities. Unstoppable will prompt audiences to consider the role that pain and suffering has in our lives, as they affirm their personal views on faith, and encourage conversation starters about God, suffering, and hope.
*The only critique I have for Unstoppable is that I felt the message would have been stronger without so many dramatizations. Kirk’s personal story was already powerful enough without all the extra flare. I could have done without all the fancy camera shots and reenactments and just left it as a one on one with Kirk and his audience.
The Giveaway…
I am pleased to offer Unstoppable to one of you, my readers. Thanks FlyBy Promotions for sponsoring this giveaway!
Enter via the Rafflecopter now through Sunday, February 2nd. I will announce a winner here on my blog on Monday, February 3rd, so be sure to check back.
Have you experienced the love of the King in the midst of tragedy? I love hearing from you! Until then, happy reading!
Yours in Messiah Yeshua,
I received a copy of Unstoppable from FlyBy Promotions. I was not asked to write a positive review. All views and opinions are solely and completely my own. I received no other compensation other than a copy of the DVD featured in this post, which is mine to keep or gift as I so choose in exchange for an honest review.
“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.
I have experienced the love of the king during tragedy throughout my life. He met me and surrounded me with His love, peace, and comfort after losing many loved ones. One that stands out the most is when my uncle died and 7 months later my grandpa died. My heart was broken and I haven’t cried that much in my life. I was reminded of the Kings love for me. He gave me a peace beyound my understanding. I still cry when i am reminded of the loss. I am however, reminded of the King’s presence in my life. It helps to sooth the pain i still feel at times. I am grateful for blessed assurance I have in the LORD.
Hi, sweet Stormy! We do have a blessed assurance! He is the ultimate comforter. When I miss my Mom all I can do is lean on Him and ask for His Shalom (peace) to pass all my understanding. His ways are not our ways. I love you!
Beautiful post, Sara! As a political family, our lives seem to have played out in the media over many years. And when a run for a national office slammed shut in an unexpected way, our family was devastated. It was all over the news, and we couldn’t escape the ongoing scrutiny. It was humiliating. Little did we realize then that God had complete control over the situation. He brought us to an all-time low, in order to build us up in His way. We were humbled beyond belief. God quickly opened doors for a new path that would prove that His ways are far better than what we could ever have imagined. His love for our family was evidenced in the way He blessed us then, and continues to bless us now. Did He pull us from the scrutiny of the public eye? No! Rather, He continues to use us for His purpose–to build His Kingdom. We have been able to share His truths with many who are seeking Him.
Sherry, thank you so much for taking time to comment. You have such an amazing story and I have been so blessed to get to know you:)
Recently, my father-in-law passed away after a very short battle with lung cancer. It hit our little family hard. We are a small, close family and his grandchildren just adored him. We all have been greatly blessed with strength and comfort from our Lord Jesus Christ. I am so thankful that he loves each and every one of us.
I am sorry to hear about your Father-in-law, Amy. We are also a small close knit family-my in-laws live just a few blocks away. It is so hard when someone we are used to seeing so often passes, but also comforting when we have our Savior to lean on.
Thank you Sara. I don’t know what we would do without God and Jesus. I could never thank them enough. Hope you have a blessed day. 🙂
When one loses a loved one – especially suddenly – how does one survive and stay sane without His Spirit to comfort?
I completely agree, LuAnn:)