Plus enter to win a digital copy of Cynthia’s book, Bird Face
Please welcome this week’s featured YA Author, Cynthia Toney!
About Cynthia…
Cynthia holds a BA in art education and began her first novel while working as an advertising designer and marketing copywriter for a number of publishers. She enjoys writing both contemporary and historical fiction for teens. Also once a decorator, her articles on interior decorating appear at She has a passion for rescuing dogs from animal shelters and studying the history of the South, where she resides with her husband and as many dogs as space will allow.
About Bird Face
Anonymous sticky-notes, a scheming bully, and a ruined summer send almost-fourteen-year-old Wendy Robichaud down a trail of secrets and self-discovery.
At the end of eighth grade, Wendy Robichaud doesn’t care one bit about being popular like her good-looking classmates Tookie and the Sticks—until Brainiac bully John-Monster schemes against her, and someone leaves anonymous sticky-note messages all over school. Even her best friend, Jennifer, is hiding something. But the Spring Program, abandoned puppies, and high school track team tryouts don’t leave much time to play detective. When secrets and failed dreams kick off the summer, will Jennifer still be around to support her?
Using humor and offering hope, this story for ages 10 to 14 (grades 5-8) delicately addresses issues of bullying, eating disorders, imperfect families, and teen suicide.
The Interview…
Why do you write?
I just need to get my feeling out in words, and I hope others relate to those feelings in a way that helps them.
Why young adult fiction? What is most appealing about writing for this demographic?
I love to read MG and YA fiction, and I’ve known some very special young people who inspired me to write for tweens and teens.
Favorite Book/Author? Why?
I love the Sammy Keyes series by Wendelin van Draanen. Sammy is an independent thinker.
What tools do you/have you used to study the craft of writing?
I think Writer’s Digest magazine and books have been the most helpful resources I’ve found.
Do you write by the seat of your pants, plot first, or a little bit of both?
I start with a beginning, a middle, and an end in mind, and I either make a rough outline or I write chapter summaries. As I write the story, more scenes and characters develop, so I start filling in the outline or the chapter summaries. I often rearrange chapters or scenes in the summaries, and sometimes I cut and rearrange a hard copy of the manuscript when it’s in the early stages.
What is your goal in writing?
To use story to show young people things that I wish I had learned in my tweens and teens.
A Bible verse that encourages you in your writing?
Psalm 7:1 O Lord, my God, in you I take refuge. (There’s a lot that can get me down as a writer, but I know He looks out for me.)
Name one thing you have learned in your growth as a writer.
I wish I had started writing and learned how to write well at a much younger age. If I’d known how much writing would mean to me, I may have studied it in college.
Self-published or traditionally published? Which is better, in your opinion?
Bird Face is traditionally published by a small publisher. I’ve read some terrific books in both categories.
Connect with Cynthia…
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The Giveaway…
Cynthia has graciously offered to send a digital (PDF) copy of Bird Face to one of you, my readers! Thank you, Cynthia for your willingness to share your work and experiences with us today!
Enter via the Rafflecopter now through Monday, March 31st . One random winner will be chosen and announced in my April newsletter (so be sure to sign up in the sidebar widget if you haven’t already).
Also, be sure to leave a comment or question for Cynthia below! Until then, happy reading!
Yours in Messiah Yeshua,
I have not read the book featured in this post. This post also contains affiliate links. To learn more, please read my full policy.
Copyright © 2014
This sounds like an interesting novel! First time I have heard of the author! Thanks for the giveaway!
Sure Laura!I love finding new authors, especially ones who are just starting out. Thanks for stopping by (as always:).
Bird Face Wendy is a fantastic book for tweens and teens. I wish it had been around when I was junior high. I wish I could buy a copy for every tween girl.
Great comment, Lisa! Thanks for taking time to stop by and support my featured YA author.
I like the description of the novel! Sounds like a fun/thoughtful read. I love hearing about YA authors!
Me too, Kasey:) Thanks for taking time to comment.