This box was obviously not “handled with care”.
Except for God, that is.
This is His job, His desire: to mend us, to fix us, to love us. It may take awhile and it may hurt a little in the process. Sometimes the old pieces don’t fit anymore, so He makes new pieces to take their place. Sometimes it takes awhile for the glue to dry and we have to wait patiently on Him. The broken glass from my sister cannot be fixed. There are too many pieces for me to pick up. For God, however, a thousand pieces aren’t even too many for “nothing is impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)
Are you broken today? Have you felt jostled and not “handled with care”? The truth is, God cares and he wants you to allow Him to handle you with His care. Will you do that today? Will you turn your broken pieces over to the Almighty Healer? I would love to pray for you! Just leave a comment in the comments section below and tell me how I can do this. Even if you leave it anonymous, I will still pray for you. Until then, Happy Reading!
I believe more and more every one of us will have to more fervently seek the refuge YHWH alone can offer us…
I agree. He is the One we will all bow to in the end.