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“Pretty in Pink” Heart Pancakes
2. Follow the directions on the back of the box of Bisquick for pancakes. I like to follow the recipe for Supreme, which includes sugar, baking powder, and vanilla. I think this makes for extra delicious pancakes,go the extra mile and follow the recipe for Supreme pancakes, which has you add but it’s totally up to you if you want to add this step.
This recipe is quick and easy and can be modified anyway you like. You can leave out the food coloring and just make heart shapes, exchange the vanilla chips for chocolate chips, or use a butter knife to cut the heart shapes if you don’t have a cookie cutter. Already had breakfast? Why not make pancakes for lunch or dinner as a special Valentine’s Day treat? Your kids will love it and it will give you a break from having to prepare something more time consuming.
Be My Valentine Banner
5. Punch a hole in each top corner of your flag, then thread your string or ribbon through the holes (making sure the ribbon goes across the back of each flag).
2. Have your kids color the flags using crayons, markers or colored pencils. Allow them time to be creative!
everyone can see it! Your kids will love
showing off their work, plus this activity will keep them occupied while you steal some kisses from your hubby.
Heart Pizza
3. <!–[endif]–>Take a butter knife (or pizza cutter) and cut a large heart shape out of the rectangle of dough.
4. Take the excess dough and roll it into a “rope” of dough. Trim the edges of your heart with this for the crust so your toppings don’t fall off.
8. Add cheese. We like A LOT of cheese so I used the entire 2 cups. Use as much or as little as you like!
9. Add desired toppings. We did half a pineapple and Canadian bacon pizza, and half pepperoni and onion. If you have a large family you may want to double the recipe and do two different pizzas.
10. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Ours took 20 minutes. Depending on your altitude, it make take more or less time. I always say, set your timer for the least amount of time, then check it. You can always cook it a few minutes longer but you can’t un-burn something. Once it’s done, let it cool a few minutes, then slice, serve, and enjoy!
Looks very good!