My featured author this week is one of my critique partners, as well as one of my favorite people in the whole world. We share a love of coffee and books and though we’ve never met in real life, I just love her to pieces. I can’t wait to give her a big hug at the ACFW Conference in September. So, without further ado, please welcome this week’s featured YA Author, Christen Krumm!
About Christen…
Christen Krumm is a book lover by default. She’s addicted to coffee and tea (and books and reading) and works with books and authors as Litfuse Publicity Group‘s Nester. You can find her on her blog on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. She currently resides in a semi-small Arkansas town with her rock star, super-hero husband, Daughter Elsie and Sons Drew and Oliver.
About Christen’s Work in Progress (title is TBA)…
Freedom is a paradox.
There was a time when our country was called “the land of the free”. In the Atlantic States of America, however, freedom is anything but free.
This is life for Ella Ivie. And she accepts it. Ella is content with her uneventful life managing her uncle’s coffee shop. It may not be the greatest, but it’s what she knows, and what she knows is comfortable.
And then James Mallory shows up at her door in the middle of the night.
A fugitive and rebel leader of the Underground, Mallory gets under Ella’s skin in ways she can’t explain. Ways that have her questioning everything she’s ever known. The odds are against them as Ella and Mallory race against time to make it to the New Republic of Texas, a place where he promises they will finally be free.
With Uriah Crain and his army hot on their trail, one question remains . . .
Are Ella and Mallory running towards true freedom?
This is the riveting first story in the futuristic trilogy about a normal girl who is more important than she ever realized.
The Interview…
Why do you write?
If you would have asked me this fifteen years ago, I would have said because I wanted to be rich and famous, but I think I’ve wised up in my years. If I really wanted to be famous, I would have needed to be an actress ( I can’t act to save my life and I’m horribly shy when it comes to crowds and speaking) or a singer (the verse about making a joyful noise unto The Lord? That was written for me—noise I do make). I write because I want to entertain. I want to make my readers laugh and cry and fall in love. And for fun. I have a terrible lot of fun writing.
What genre do you write and why?
I write YA fiction. Because I can’t write for adults. I’m not eloquent enough and I don’t use enough big words. For years I was trying to cram myself in the “adult fiction” category and it wasn’t working.
Only when I let go of what I thought I was supposed to be doing and did what I really enjoyed doing did I feel like the brick walls came tumbling down.
What are your writing rituals, if any?
Coffee—but that’s kinda my life ritual so I’m not sure it really counts. I try not to have to many rituals because then it gives me excuses not to write and I’m already pretty good at making those excuses…
Favorite Book/Author? Why?
I really like Lauren Oliver. I just love her way with words. Lauren Kate too (I’ve decided if your name is Lauren and you’re a writer, I’ll probably like your stuff…) I’m extremely late to the game but I’m beginning to love JK Rowling as well.
Favorite book? Probably To Kill a mockingbird. I really liked the Hunger Games series, although I’m still trying to figure out why. And I’m currently reading The Great Gatsby which is pretty brilliant.

Christen’s work space (of course, there’s coffee)
The best thing about being a writer?
The worst thing about being a writer?
What tools do you/have you used to study the craft of writing?
I used to think that I had to have all these classes and study the art before I could become a good author, but now I’ve boiled it down to three simple things: (1) read a lot, especially in the genre you want to write and authors you admire (2) write a lot. With practice comes perfection. (3) have a really good support system who won’t be afraid to tell you when something sucks.
Would you rather read a good book or write a good book?
Favorite literary character of all time and why?

My friend, the handwritten note-taker!
Bilbo Baggins—not really that’s just the first one who popped into my head. I really have no idea.
Top three things every writer should have/do, in your opinion?
Read (or write)
Write some more
Best time of day to write and why?
In a perfect world I could write all day, everyday, but there are bills to be paid, mouths to be fed, and little ones to show lots of love—so right now, sometime after 8:30 pm until about midnight Thursdays-Sundays.
Do you write by the seat of your pants, plot first, or a little bit of both?
Yes. I write, get it all out there and then go back and plot.
What keeps you motivated?
The thought that someday I’ll be finished with my current work in progress and I can move on to the other story haunting my thoughts.
What is your goal in writing?
To finish
How do you balance your writing life and your life as a mom?
I’ll let you know when I figure it out.
Any words of wisdom you would like to share?
In the words of the wise fish Dory (only with the words slightly changed) “just keep writing, just keep writing, just keep writing, writing, writing…”
A Bible verse that encourages you in your writing?
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me….
Name one thing you have learned in your growth as a writer. It could be a mistake you’ve made or really anything that has brought you to the point you are at now in your career as an author.
Stop talking about writing, stop thinking about writing, and just write. Can’t remember who said that abut it really kicked me into gear.
Connect with Christen Krumm…
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Please be sure to leave a comment or word of encouragement for Christen. I have so enjoyed having her here today! Until next time, happy reading!
Yours in Messiah Yeshua,
Sounds like an awesome upcoming novel!!
Gee Christen as if you weren’t busy enough !!!! Its a joy working with you, can’t wait to see what your book is like.
Linda Finn
Faithful Acres Books
Haha, Linda—you don’t know how many people say that 🙂 Enjoying life to the fullest!!