So glad it’s Friday! How about you?
Summer is fast approaching. What’s on your summer reading list this year? If you’re in need of recommendations, look no further than this list of great summer reads!
Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon
Why read Doon? It’s not your typical Christian YA novel. It’s not preachy and has plenty of heat (clean heat, mind you). I think Doon is exactly the type of book the Christian YA market needs. It’s the best book I’ve read this year. I can’t wait for the sequel, Destined for Doon, which releases in September. Read my full review of Doon here.
Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay
If you haven’t read Dear Mr. Knightley yet, hurry up! The next book in the series, Lizzy & Jane, releases in October. If you love romance, Jane Austen, and a good mystery, Dear Mr. Knightley has everything you need. Read my full review of Dear Mr. Knightley here.
Chasing the Lion by Nancy Kimball
Okay, I just got my advanced reader copy for Chasing the Lion and I can’t put it down. I don’t have a review for you (yet), but I can recommend this read solely based on the fact that I am devouring this book. Chasing the Lion releases in June. Find out more about the story by visiting Nancy Kimball’s website here.
Panic by Lauren Oliver
This one is on my “to read” shelf. I have loved everything I’ve read by Lauren Oliver and I expect Panic will be no different. I’ve read the first two chapters and already I can’t wait for my schedule to clear up so I can read the rest. Panic is sure to be Lauren’s best work yet. Find out more about Panic here.
Dangerous by Shannon Hale
Shannon Hale is one of my all time favorite authors. I’ve read the Goose Girl series three times and I will read it again. Dangerous is supposed to be very different from Shannon’s previous works, which is why I’m so excited to read it. James Dashner, author of The Maze Runner, is calling Dangerous the best book he’s ever read. Find out more about Dangerous here.
Well, that’s it for now. These should keep you busy and entertained in the hot months ahead. What about you? What books do you recommend for summer reading? I love hearing from you. Until then, happy reading!
Yours in Messiah Yeshua,
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Well how did I miss this? So glad you are enjoying Lion, Sara. I will have to check on these other titles. Best to you and your readers.
Thanks, Nancy!