Movie Tie-in Edition and AMC Gift Card Prize Pack Giveaway!
And that’s just it, isn’t it? That’s how we manage to survive the loss. Because love, it never dies, it never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it.”
―Gayle Forman, If I Stay
If I Stay
is one of those books that stays with you long after you put it down. It’s also one of those books that is so good, and ends in such a way that you can’t help but grab the sequel (Where She Went
) immediately because you just have to know what happens. If you’ve read If I Stay, you know I’m right.
So let’s get down to it, shall we? You know you’re probably going to skip the review and head straight to the giveaway anyway, because you’ve most likely read the book and don’t need me to tell you how wonderful it is.
PS If you haven’t read the book, here’s a quick blurb: If I Stay is about a girl who has an out-of-body experience following a car accident. Now Mia must decide if she lives or if she dies. Can she face the world without her parents and baby brother in it? Can she leave her best friend Kim and boyfriend Adam, the love of her life, behind?
Why I love and recommend If I Stay…
A) Emotional. Seriously. I was crying. Don’t make fun. Gayle Forman knows how to pack emotion onto each and every page. From beginning to end. I really connected with Mia and the other characters in If I Stay. I truly felt the dilemma Mia faces when trying to decide if she should live or die. At first I thought this was going to be a typical teen romance. Of course Mia would choose to stay for her beloved boyfriend Adam. But that wasn’t it at all. Up until the very end I couldn’t decide what I hoped Mia would do. I felt just as confused as she was. She is such a real character. Props to Gayle Forman for keeping me thoroughly engrossed, with a box of tissues nearby I might add, during this entire read.
B) Backstory. A lot of the time I skim over backstory. Some authors just don’t know how to weave it in. If I Stay is the opposite. Mia’s backstory is so utterly essential to driving the plot and ultimately in helping Mia make her decision. I love how one minute I was in the hospital with Mia, watching as Adam tries to do everything he can to see her, and the next minute I’m whisked away by a memory. The backstory is so natural in If I Stay, it doesn’t feel like backstory at all. It just feels like…talking to an old friend.
C) The end. Argh! Hate the end. Love the end. Who can decide? On the one hand, it’s a great ending. The book stands on it’s own, BUT (there’s always a but, isn’t there?) the ending of If I Stay also makes me itch to read Where She Went. I mean, I have a stack–A STACK– of books in my to-read pile, and here I am adding Where She Went to the top because I cannot live another day wondering what is going to happen to Adam and Mia. What is going to happen, Gayle Forman? Sigh. Guess I better finish up this post and go find out…
The Giveaway…
Okay If I Stay fans, I have an awesome prize pack just for you! Enter via the Rafflecopter for your chance to win:
- A copy of If I Stay ~ Movie Tie In Edition (Paperback)
- A $10 AMC gift card (delivered electronically) to use when the movie releases August 22nd!
Enter through Thursday, August 21st. One random winner will be chosen and notified Friday, August 22nd.
What did you like best about If I Stay? If you haven’t read it, why do you want to see the movie?
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I would love to see this movie/read this book because after reading this review it looks like something I can relate to and enjoy. After my mom passed it felt like things fell apart and how do you live with out your mom to call or ask for a recipe. Well life went on and much good came after. Like my hubby and my baby girl
I know what you mean (you know I do:) I’m so excited to see this movie too. You would love the book! It’s really one of my new favorites. Good luck in the giveaway <3
I just saw the preview for this movie and realized I had just bought this book for my daughter. I would love to have my own copy and see this movie with her. The trailer left me speechless and emotional and definitely made me want to see it!
Hi, Cindy! Yes, it is definitely emotional. It is so beautifully written and I can only hope the movie lives up to the writing. If the trailer is any indication it will. Good luck in the giveaway!
Love comparing film to books they’re adapted from
Me too, Lena! Divergent. Hunger Games. The Fault in Our Stars. Now If I Stay. I think the only movies I go see are based on books LOL:)
The movie seems interesting.. Good luck to all!
I know this is a tear jerker my daughter would love. She read and saw Fault in Our Stars and this has a similar heaviness that she would like.
I loved this book for different reasons than I loved The Fault in Our Stars. Similar tones but very different characters which make the stories different. But you’re right, if she loved TFOS she’ll like this one. I actually might like this one better 🙂
Great review (I did read it). 🙂 I want to read the book because you mentioned the ending is amazing. I love endings that tear at you that way–and I want to see the movie for the same reason and for the same reason I want to see every movie I see: the trailers grab. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway opp!
rachelle (at) rachellerea (dot) com
Hi Rachelle! Thanks so much for reading the review LOL:) You’re a trooper. Yes, the ending is just that. You either love it or you hate it. I loved it because it made me want to read more. I love grabbing trailers and can’t wait to find out if the movie will be in my small town area this weekend. Thanks for your thoughtful response and good luck in the giveaway!
I have not read it yet but the review makes me want to go out and find the book. I’m sure the movie will be equally good and I’d enjoy it.
Thanks for stopping by, Beth. Good luck in the giveaway!
I would love to read the book and see the movie if I stay because I love the whole story line line of the book and movie. The fact she has to choose to either stay with her parents the one she loves who died or to stay on earth with the guy who is in love with her. It’s a movie that makes you think and become curious to what she’s gonna choose
Great thoughts, Lauren! I didn’t know until the last page what she was going to do. Gayle Forman keeps you guessing til the end ;0
I loved this book! I feel in love with it so quickly and I can not wait to see the movie! I am most please to see Chloe Grace Moretz is playing the main character! Everything about this book was perfection!
I agree, Haylei. I think Chloe is perfect for Mia!
Can’t wait for the movie!! Loved the book but don’t own it, thank you for this chance! 🙂
You are so welcome, Ali! Thanks for entering 🙂
I have seen the movie trailer and it looks fantastic. I must read the book as the book is usually better than the movie so it is definitely on my TBR list. Thank you for the great giveaway!!!!
mauback55 at gmail dot com
Hi Melanie! Thanks for entering 🙂 Yes, the movie looks amazing, though I can already tell it will be slightly different from the book. Looking forward to seeing it tomorrow 😉