Plus a giveaway!
About Ada Brownell…
Stick to your soul encouragement
Ada Brownell’s prolific writing career began in her teens when she was youth leader. She and her husband had five amazing children. One is in heaven.
During her years as a reporter at The Pueblo Chieftain, she interviewed young achievers in music, sports, academics, beauty, careers, and other pursuits. Ada wrote about the latest fashions and how to present yourself for success. Interviewed teen moms and those who work with them and reported on teens affected by substance abuse. She reviewed statistics annually and talked to teens and health experts about teen pregnancy, abortion and Sexually Transmitted Diseases; interviewed judges who sentence juvenile offenders; and wrote about the tragedy of mental illness and suicide among teens. She studied, taught and wrote about how youth can discover faith, even when society tries to keep them from believing. She believes faith in God makes a difference in all our tomorrows.
Nearly 300 articles of her articles and stories have appeared in 45 Christian publications. Her books include Imagine the Future You , a motivational Bible study for youth; Joe the Dreamer: The Castle and the Catapult, a suspense novel; Swallowed by Life: Mysteries of Death, Resurrection and the Eternal, a Bible study for the grieving, support groups, religion classes, those with a troubling diagnosis, those who fear death or are curious about it..
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Blog: Stick to Your Soul Encouragement
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About Imagine the Future You…
Will you be the person you dream of being—or someone from your nightmares?
You don’t need a fortune teller to reveal your future. For the most part, you are the person who determines who you will become, what your life will be like, and how your hopes and dreams will be fulfilled.
Today is the time to IMAGINE and to create an action plan for your future.
Harnessing your will (guiding it) will make you a champion.
How to make valuable deposits into your mind and avoid brainwashing.
How to look and be your best.
How to connect with Somone who will make a difference in your life—forever.
How who you marry changes everything.
How to avoid traps that jeopardize your future.
Where you want your name to appear.
Why you can believe God created you and loves you.
Examples of people who grabbed their future and held on.
This book will show how to make the right connections, how to grow your talents, and how to believe in yourself and things greater than yourself—for a wonderful future you!
Q&A with Ada Brownell…
Tiffanie Lynn asks, “What inspired you to write this book?”
Imagine the Future You crawled around in my brain cells for years. I worked with youth and I want them to have the explosive power of the Holy Spirit, a throng of special friends, astonishing wisdom, ability to discern how to have joy on earth and forever and ever, and know true success only comes from knowing God and His love.
Every teen should be aware of moral sink holes. As a newspaper reporter I wrote about these dangerous risks and their devastating effects on youth and their future, and along with tips on being your best, looking your best, I detail facts about the mental, physical, and devastating lifestyle risks of sex outside of marriage, as well as the joy of purity and vowing to love your spouse until death parts you.
One huge problem among youth is secular brainwashing of belief in God. I’ve studied the Bible and science for decades and truth is, you can’t prove our Creator exists. But an atheist can’t prove God isn’t there, either. We can’t prove the words that begin the Bible, “In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth,” because faith is necessary to accept God’s love and His sacrifice for our sins on the cross. Yet, God’s creation testifies of His glory, and we have plenty of testimony and evidence He’s there. Knowing God loves and cares about us changes our future. Atheists keep trying to make what they discover show their theory is correct, while DNA and other evidence throws out missing links, fraud like the Piltdown Man, so they grasp for something new like punctuated equilibrium. Textbooks are quickly outdated, but God’s Word stands forever, as does His promise of eternal life for those who accept Jesus as Savior.
Diane E. asks, “How do you “get over” the insecurities of everyone not liking you/ your books?”
Wo! Truth is I’ve lived with not being accepted most of my life. When I barged into my family, becoming the eighth child, my siblings thought they had enough kids without me. They got over it and loved me anyway. But then as a skinny freckled redhead, I still had to learn to deal with rejection.
It’s like in my novel, The Lady Fugitive, 17-year-old Jenny takes up with Stuart, a young orphan. They’re watching a newborn calf when Jenny says, “It’s amazing the cow gives her baby a bath with the same tongue she picks her nose with.”
Some readers will love it and some will hate it.
Chickie B. asks, “If you weren’t a writer, what would you do..or what do you also do?”
I began writing for Christian publications at age 15, but I spent a huge chunk of my life as a newspaper reporter, and much of Imagine the Future You comes from my experiences as a journalist. I wrote about successful youth, but also how prisons now have younger inmates; interviewed unwed mothers; discovered more than I wanted to know about deviate sex; risks of sexually transmitted diseases and problems of tracking people with AIDS. I covered teen suicide and mental illness among youth. I had to report disturbing statistics, but I learned to turn on the positive. Although, 20 or 25 percent of kids might be doing whatever evil was available, 75 or 80 percent weren’t, and I interviewed some about their choices.
I talked to experts about everything imaginable. I met amazing people, among them the severely disabled. I’m retired now, but as a reporter I could ask any question I wanted. I love plucking knowledge from other folks, and illuminating their amazing stories.
Ashley A. asks, “What motivates you to write?”
A need to bless others with knowledge of God’s love.
Daniela D. asks, “What is your favorite book and why?”
The Greatest Thing in the World, a classic by Henry Drummond. Among his great words about love, Drummond says, “No form of vice, not worldliness, not greed of gold, not drunkenness itself does more to unchristianize society than evil temper. For embittering life, for breaking up communities, for destroying the most sacred relationships, for devastating homes, for withering up men and women, for taking the bloom of childhood; in short, for sheer gratuitous misery-producing power this influence stands alone.”
Thanks so much for sharing on the blog today, Ada! It’s been a pleasure to have you!
The Giveaway…
Ada Brownell has graciously offered to give a copy of Imagine the Future You to one of you, my awesome readers! Just leave a comment or question for Ada, and mention whether you’d prefer an ebook or paperback. Enter via the Rafflecopter through Friday, October 31st. One random winner will be chosen and announced in my November newsletter (so be sure to subscribe via the form at the bottom right of this page).
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