Hey, Book Nerds!
So, if you haven’t figured it out yet, I love YA books. Romance. Fantasy. Sci-Fi…I love it all. Give me young adults falling in love and battling unseen forces while being attacked by alien invaders any day. There’s just something about the YA genre that’s so appealing. Maybe it’s because the teen years are the years that shape us. It’s a time when we’re still kids (sort of), and yet we’re expected to decide our futures. What college will we attend? What career do we want? Who. Are. We?
As reading is part of my writing research, I’ve made it my goal to read more in 2015. Not only that, I’d like to venture away from what I’d normally grab off the shelf, and discover some titles I might otherwise not read. So that’s why I’ve decided to participate in the 365 Days of YA Reading Challenge!
What Sarah Read and Literary Kate have partnered with Epic Reads to bring us this awesome challenge (Thanks, gals!), which includes giveaways, twitter chats, and fun extras each month, all year long!
- Sign up for the challenge on What Sarah Read or Literary Kate and submit a link to your blog, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr etc. that contains a “To Be Read” list that matches up with the books found on the 365 Days of YA graphic (The individual titles are listed on the Epic Reads post as well). You can also include your personal reading goals for this challenge (book a day, series a week, monthly picks etc.)
- Keep track of what you read and at the end of each month post an update on your social media network of choice about what you read. Feel free to include review links as well.
- Submit a link to your update on the appropriate monthly link-up post on What Sarah Read or Literary Kate.
- Use the #365DaysofYA for any social media posts
- Only books read in 2015 will count towards this challenge
- Read the books in any order you like
- Choose your own reading adventure! This is YOUR challenge so make it fit what’s important to you!
- Have fun and make new reading friends!
- Contact Kate (Twitter: @literarykate) or Sarah (Twitter: @whatsarahread) if you have any questions. You can also email them at literaryexplorations@gmail.com OR whatsarahread@gmail.com.
Doesn’t this sound fun? So what are you waiting for? Sign up for the 365 Days of YA Reading Challenge here.
What’s so great about the 365 Days of YA Reading Challenge is that YOU decide how you wanna do this thing. I absolutely do NOT have the time to do the book a day challenge (who does?). But what’s pretty nifty is that the infographic above is divided into different sections. Here’s the winter section:
I was surprised to find I’ve actually already read quite a few books on that list right there. The Jewel, Shatter Me, and Delirium, to name a few. So I decided each season I would pick 3 titles (3 books for each month in a season) from the infographic:
A) 1 title I’ve been dying to read
B) 1 title I wouldn’t normally read
C) 1 title I’ve never heard of
This, of course, does not include all the other books I will read that are not named on this list. For instance, I’m currently reading Both of Me by Jonathan Friesen, and The Iron King
by Julie Kagawa. Both are stellar YA reads, but nope, they’re not “Epic Reads” titles, and thus are not on the infographic.
So, without further ado, I give you my 365 Days of YA Reading Challenge TBR for winter 2015!
I’ll be posting monthly updates, reviews, and giveaways, so be sure to subscribe to my newsletter using the form below to hear about my TBR progress.
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What are your winter reading goals? Start a conversation in the comments below or tweet to me @SaraEllaWrites. I love hearing from you! Until then, happy reading!
Well, I’ll try that comment again, lol. I just read the blurbs for some of the Iron Fey books. Now I kind of have to read them. 😀 This challenge looks like a lot of fun! I mostly read historical romance for my writing genre, but there are so many gotta-turn-that-page elements in a YA book that help a writer in any genre. I’m wanting to add some more YA to my ever growing TBR. Thanks for sharing this fun challenge!
Wow that sounds pretty awesome! I hope you discover some new books that are awesome! 🙂 The only reading goal I have this year is to actually read the books I own! I have sooooo many good ones, but haven’t taken the time to read them because I’ve been too busy reviewing! Hoping to change that this year! 🙂