“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.” Matthew 6:34
I’ve had quite a week. Vacations are supposed to be relaxing getaways, right? I’m supposed to be stress free and at peace, right?
Excuse me while I literally “laugh out loud”.
What I’ve just described is vacation as a kid. You know, those days when your parents worried about the financial aspects of your trip, from filling the car with gas to how much was in your eating out budget. All we had to do was sit back and enjoy the ride. Now, vacations are like one long week on a non-stop treadmill. Can I get off please?
Don’t get me wrong. I love seeing my family (so much!) and getting to go to Starbucks (since my home town doesn’t have one), but a week without my husband (he stayed home to work so we could visit my family) away with my two little girls is nothing short of a whirlwind. You know what I’m talking about ladies. Trying on clothes in the dressing room while your toddler looks under the stall at the woman in the next. Walking through the mall while she throws a tantrum, as all the other people stare at you and swear to themselves the same thing you swore before you had kids:
“My children will never act like that.”
Oh, ye of little faith.
This is probably the first morning I’ve had a chance to just sit and do nothing since we got here (and of course I have to catch up on my blogging). There’s still so much to do in the short amount of time we have left here in good old Phoenix. I have friends to visit, family to see and more shopping to do. So here I am, sitting with my laptop on my legs and my coffee next to me on the floor trying to figure out how in the world I’m going to do it all.
And then Hermie popped up on the screen.
This week’s Tommy Nelson Mommy resource features our favorite caterpillar and his group of whacky friends. I Will Trust God features two classic Hermie and Friends episodes all about trusting the One in charge.
The verse at the top of this post reiterates something we’ve all heard before: “Don’t be anxious”. We say it to ourselves and others but do we really believe that our Heavenly Father will provide all we need (including time)? We try so hard to do it all on our own. We’re super women, at the ready to save the day. But who is going to save us from ourselves?
Often we rely on others (especially the men in our lives) to swoop in and save the day. That’s a whole lot of pressure to put on one human being. Don’t get me wrong, my husband is someone I lean on and turn to when the seas get high, but he also isn’t Elohim (God).
You know the song lyrics “God is God and I am not”? I think they fits perfectly with the message of trusting Him to be who He is. He doesn’t worry or stress or even get tired. All of those worries and trials we face can be thrown to Him. Trust me, He’s already got His catcher’s mitt open and waiting.
So I’m going to stop stressing and being anxious. I’m going to enjoy the last two days of my week off and just relish the moments left. I’m not going to worry that we haven’t made our traditional trip to the Disney Store yet or that I really could use some new summer clothes that actually fit me. I’m just going to trust in Him, knowing that whatever happens He’s taking care of it. In the words of one of my new favorite Disney princesses, I’m just going to “let it go”.
Back to Hermie and Friends…
In Hermie and the High Seas, Hermie is told by God to build a boat. He goes around asking everyone to help him but all his friends are too busy. Hermie gets a little discouraged and the story goes on from there, showing how trusting in the Father is always the best way to handle any tough situation. He promises to provide and Hermie and his friends find out that trusting God to do what He says is really the only thing to do.
In Who is in Charge Anyway?, Freddie the Flea learns to trust that we’ve each been given special gifts and abilities. He learns that just because he’s a flea doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a purpose.
The episodes are about half an hour each and are perfect for those times you just need a little break. You could even pair the stories in this DVD with a Bible lesson or devotional. It’s a great resource to have on hand. I love the Hermie DVDs because they always teach a Biblical lesson, my kids love them, and I can trust that I am getting clean entertainment for my family.
The Giveaway…
Time for another Tommy Nelson Mommy giveaway! Enter for your chance to win a copy of I Will Trust God.
Enter via the Rafflecopter now through Monday, March 31st . One random winner will be chosen and announced in my April newsletter (so be sure to sign up in the sidebar widget if you haven’t already).
What about you? Has there been something recently that has tested your trust in the Creator (like a crazy vacation maybe)? I love hearing from you! Until then, happy reading!
Yours in Messiah Yeshua,
I received a copy of I Will Trust God…No Matter What through the Tommy Nelson Mommy Program. I was not asked to write a positive review. All views and opinions are solely and completely my own. I received no compensation other a copy of the DVD featured in this post, which is mine to keep or gift as I so choose. This post also contains affiliate links. To learn more, please read my full policy.
Copyright © 2014 SaraElla.com
Yes trying to get insurance!!!
Amen, Laura haha!
Dealing with DH mental illness brought on by brain trauma and homeschooling kids.
Linda Finn
That would definitely require trust, Linda! Homeschooling, for me, is one of my biggest obstacles. I know it’s His desire for me to homeschool my girls, but also know it would free up my day to send them to school. I have to pray and ask Him to balance me out so I don’t go crazy.
My 4yo fell and got a laceration on her forehead. o_o
And also, I totally know what you’re saying –> trip + kids does not = vacation :p It sure is an adventure though!! 🙂
So true, Joyce haha! My toddler had a similar incident. It is so scary when our kids get hurt like that but its also amazing to know the Creator of the universe holds our babies in His hands. Thanks for always taking time to read and comment;)
I felt my health was improving, thus an answer to many prayers, then I have had weeks of set-backs. It is sometimes vey difficulty yo submit to His will and continue to hope and wait.
I understand, LuAnn. Sometimes waiting, in and of itself, is the trust lesson for me. I want everything right now, but He doesn’t always work that way.You are in my prayers.