Don’t forget the devotions!

I can’t count how many times I have forgotten items at the store that I didn’t write down on my list. I tell myself I will remember but in the busyness of everything, once I am actually at the store if it’s not on my list I inevitably forget it. (Like yesterday when I forgot to buy chocolate chips because I hadn’t written them down.)
That’s why I love Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. There is a dated devotion for everyday of the year. Each entry is short and sweet, but also uniquely personal. It’s as if Jesus is talking to you one on one. Scripture is weaved into every devotion, with references given at the bottom of each page. The book is even small enough to fit in your purse, so you can even take it on the go if need be. A ribbon bookmark is also attached so you won’t lose your place. It’s the perfect start to a busy day.
Noelle likes the Bert and Ernie book so much that she has started saying “Don’t forget the…” for other things, including “Don’t forget the devotions”. Who needs a list when I have a an external memory (a.k.a my four-year-old)? Noelle reminds me every morning that we need to do our devotions together. I read my own and then we do Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions for Kids together. It is similar to the original version, but is written in a way younger ones can understand and relate to.
It also helps me to leave our Bibles and devotional books out on the table where I can see them. I am a visual person. If I see it, I will remember it (thus the need for a shopping list). By leaving our things out I know that the first thing I see when I walk in the kitchen is our devotional books and Bibles ready to go.
Yours in Messiah Yeshua,
I received a copies of Jesus Calling and Jesus Calling for Kids through the Tommy Nelson Mommy Program. I was not asked to write a positive review. All views and opinions expressed are solely and completely my own. I received no compensation other than a copy of the book featured in this post, which is mine to keep. This post also contains affiliate links. To learn more, please read my full policy.
Copyright © 2013
Honestly I am really bad about remembering with the kids…we used to do them on the way to school when I drove everyone…the would read and we would discuss and pray (driver always prayed eyes open though).
I would love to do the Jesus Calling for Kids, especially with my 4 year old.
The car is a great place, Jen! I also have a four-year-old. They can be a handful. Hang in there; I know how crazy it can be with a child this age.
I’ve been trying desperately to get in the habit with my three year old. Looking for anything that might help’
We were just talking about needing to find another devotional for our girls.
We do family devotion on Monday nights and my son reads his devotion passage and Scripture to us each night at bedtime. We get to talk about Jesus and he gets to practice His reading—a win-win!
Reading practice is a great way to get your son into the habit of reading his Bible. Good habits are formed early and it sounds like you are already teaching your son the importance of digging into God’s word 🙂
I have been doing bible study with my children for years. But sometimes I feel bad or I run out of time.
We run out of time sometimes too. Even just reading one verse or praying together makes a difference. Don’t feel bad….being a mom is hard work 🙂
I am always looking for a great devotional. Especially one I can do with my son!
Tammy D.
I have been looking for a new devotional for my son that has outgrown his Veggie Tales devo. This looks great for us both!
Thanks! -Mindy H.
Oh I am dreading the day my daughter outgrows Veggie Tales! Wish I could keep her little forever 🙂
I pray each night with my daughter right before bed. This looks like a great devotional to introduce her to.
Hi Raina, we pray with our girls too.It’s something we look forward to. We trade off each night who begins the prayer. It IS a great devotional. I’m glad you think so because you’re the winner! Congratulations!
I have 5 children. Two of them are older teenagers and the other three are younger (all under 8). One thing I regret is that when my two older kids turned teenage years, we stopped doing devotions together. It’s such a great way to have family time, growing closer to God and each other. I do devotions with my littler kids now and plan on continuing all through their teenage years 😉
5 kids is a handful.I admire your strength and commitment to raising them in God’s word.
Jesus Calling is a wonderful book for daily devotions – we use it often at the dinner table!! Would love to give one to a friend!! Thanks.
I love giving this as a gift too….and my friends and family love receiving it 🙂
I agree….being intentional is so important. I love your picture of having the devotionals out and ready.
erinb1 at aol dot com
Thanks Erin!
I have heard so many good things about this, would love to have.
I’ve heard these are great devotionals!
I have to say, I love your idea…currently to make it fun and something my little guy looks forward to do is we starting reading in a pop-up tent (which I set up in the dining room) we call it our book club. we go in read our bible together and have a devotion… come out and fold and put away ;o)
What a great idea Kim! I might have to steal this idea. My little gal has been begging to go camping but it’s too cold. What a great way to make your time together fun and memorable.
I’ve been wanting my daughter to start a devotional. Anything that will include more of Jesus in our days.
For a while I would read my girls their Children’s Bible while they ate breakfast, but I stopped at one point because I could get dishes done while they ate… really bad excuse, but I think that this book would help get me back in the swing andon the right track.
I have made the dishes a priority before too. One of the hardest things for me is allowing my house to be a mess while we homeschool. I’m a work in progress lol:)
Heard alot on this book & would LOVE to read it daily
I try to do devotions first thing in the morning…once you make a habit of this, it’s hard to forget to do. I’ve been looking in this devotion for the kids..along side of the bible. Great giveaway. Thanks for offering it.
This would be a great book for my boys and I love the mommy devotions too, something I really need. Have to make sure the spiritual fuel tank doesnt get low! I have heard so many good things about these books.
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
What a great deal on devotionals. Thanks for this possibility!
I didn’t know that’s why she always says “don’t forget the oatmeal!” :p
My son just started dating a woman with 3 boys, ages 11-1. I’m going to start taking them to church with me once they get to know me a little better. This would be just the right thing to get them started in learning about God. Would love to win a copy.
Great idea to just leave the devotionals sitting out in order to remember!
This looks awesome! I would love to win it.
A friend in my Sunday School class told me about Jesus Calling.I would love to have the book to do devotions daily.I am also going to read the bible in a year with you on Pinterest. Thank you my sister in Christ!
Great post. Very inspiring. Would love to have these books.
I leave my Bible on the end table in my living room:) I leave it in full sight just like you!