At what age do we learn to lie? At what point does “I’m just kidding” become a sin? The Bible tells us this in Matthew 15:11: “What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” It also says that “the mouth speaks what the heart is full of”. (Matt 12:34) What are our hearts full of today? Do we make excuses for those little white lies, justifying that we are an all around “good person”?
The truth is sin is sin, no matter which way you slice it. If I lie, even just once, then I am a liar. If I talk behind someone’s ’back, I am an unkind gossiper. I cannot rely on myself to be good, for “there is only One who is good” (Matthew 19:17). It is by grace alone that, in our sin, the Creator of the universe forgives us and makes us new again. As beings created in His image, we should be, I should be, careful what I say as my sole purpose on this earth is to reflect the Son.
I think on phone conversations I have had with close friends or family and how easy it can be to complain about others. I will justify the gossip by saying things like, “Well, she really hurt me and I just need to vent” or “He was so mean! I just need to share my feelings with someone who understands.” It’s all sin. As a parent, I am responsible for teaching my kids to behave better than that. So why, when my daughter so easily forgives someone who hurts her, do I, “Tiger Mom”, come out with my claws bared, ready to attack anyone who would hurt my baby?
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We all want to protect our children. It’s in our very nature as parents. It’s the little things they pick up. Things like “Don’t tell your Daddy we got ice cream today” or “So and So’s little girl is such a brat!” Even if we don’t say it to them directly and we are sharing with our spouse or another adult, the walls have ears. Little ears that is. Our children listen to everything that comes out of our mouths, whether we like it or not. Isn’t it time to set an example of kindness, forgiveness, compassion, and love? I know this is one lesson I could particularly use. My sweet and tenderhearted five-year-old is so generous with forgiveness, sometimes it makes me mad. Not mad at her, but mad at myself that I have such a hard time being that way.
I love it when a good resource falls into my hands that I can share with you. Recently, we have had to be very careful what our daughter watches because she has been having nightmares. I have had to be less lenient and stricter with her viewing time. I have thus far loved all of the Hermie and Friends DVDs, and Tommy Nelson’s newest one is no exception.
Meet Flo, a little fly with a lot to learn. In Max Lucado’s newest garden adventure, Flo learns about being truthful and about what it means to forgive. Hermie and Friends: I will tell the truth and be careful what I say contains two sweet stories: “Flo the Lyin’ Fly” and “The Flo Show Creates a Buzz”. Each episode is just under half an hour long and is perfect for quiet time or even as an addition to a homeschool lesson. This DVD has all new bonus features which include shorts, sing-a-longs, a trivia game, and even a Hermie and Friends drawing tutorial (perfect for my little artist). Your little ones will enjoy the comical characters and memorable songs while also learning two valuable lessons. I even learned a little something from Flo and enjoyed watching this with my girls. It’s one of the few videos I don’t have to worry will give my daughter nightmares. Thanks Tommy Nelson for another great product I can trust!
Which is harder for you to mirror for your children: being honest or holding your tongue? (The second one is definitely harder for me.)
Let me know in a comment below and you will be entered to win a copy of Hermie and Friends: I will tell the truth and be careful what I say
Enter now through Monday, April 15th via the Rafflecopter below. Earn extra entries by connecting with me and Tommy Nelson on our social media sites. I will pick a winner by Tuesday, April 16th.
Also, congratulations to Katie B., winner of Prayers for Girls. Please email your address to
Until next time, Happy Reading!
Yours in Christ,
I was given a copy of Hermie and Friends: I will tell the truth and be careful what I say through the Tommy Nelson Mommy Program. I was not asked to write a positive review. All views and opinions expressed are solely and completely my own. I received no compensation other than a copy of this DVD, which is mine to keep. This post also contains affiliate links. To learn more, please see my full policy.
Copyright ©2013
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Holding my tongue is much harder.
For me too, Kelly:)
I have been looking for a good resource to teach my son about lying/not telling the truth, what a great message for kids via DVD!
This is a good one, Bethany:)
Lots harder for me to model holding my tongue!
I’m right there with ya, Ginny:)
Both are hard, but holding your tongue probably the most, because its something I struggle with!
Yes, indeed Katie. Me too:)
Holding my tongue.
Ditto, Melissa:)
It is most definately holding my tongue, but don’t get me wrong sometimes honesty can be a real struggle too.
It looks like we all struggle with holding our tongue the most….I wonder why that is?
it’s hard to learn to control your tongue with this world pushes people to “express themselves”, especially, it seems, when that expression is in contradiction with YHWH.
Holding my tongue for sure…
Honesty is no problem. Holding my tongue is.
Holding my tongue :/ Need to work on that…
Holding my tongue for sure. Its a work in progress and I am not always the best example or role model for my children
Holding my tongue.
Holding my tongue is much harder for me to do.