Audrey Bunny
by Angie Smith is one of those books you read as an adult that you wish you had as a child.
When I was little, my favorite stuffed animal was this old tattered brown bunny rabbit. I took her everywhere I went. One time, I forgot her when I went to spend a weekend at my grandma’s and my mom drove two hours just to bring me that bunny. She knew I couldn’t sleep without her. I guess that memory was what really struck a chord with me while reading Audrey Bunny. After I finished Angie’s story, however, there was so much more that resonated with me, even as an adult.
Breezy Bookshire’s illustrations are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen in a children’s book. The moment I opened Audrey Bunny I was completely enchanted. I actually, please don’t laugh, had the impulse to hug this book. It reminded me of a simpler time when my biggest concerns were what outfits my dolls would wear and what was the best way to hang twinkle lights around my room.
More about Audrey Bunny…
Audrey Bunny doesn’t think anyone will ever love her. Blemished by a spot on her chest, Audrey feels she’s just not good enough. And then Caroline comes along, a little girl who accepts Audrey just the way she is. To Caroline, it doesn’t matter that Audrey isn’t perfect, because the truth is that she is perfect to Caroline.
Why I love and recommend Audrey Bunny…
This book is a true keepsake for mothers and daughters. So many of us deal will feelings of inadequacy, like we just aren’t worthy to be loved. The message behind Audrey Bunny is one we all need to hear—the truth that we are all valued by our Creator. I am so looking forward to sharing Audrey Bunny with my sisters and friends. I can just see the worn and faded version of this book as I read it to my grand-babies someday. Some books come and go, while others you keep and cherish forever. Audrey Bunny is one of those stories. It would make a lovely addition to your home library or a priceless gift for someone you love.
Audrey Bunny also includes the B&H exclusive Parent Connection, containing suggested scripture readings, discussion questions and more.
About Angie Smith…
Angie Smith is the wife of Todd Smith (lead singer of award-winning group Selah), best-selling author of Mended, I Will Carry You, and What Women Fear
, and one of the most popular speakers and blog writers in the country. She holds a Master’s Degree in Developmental Psychology from Vanderbilt University and lives with her husband and daughters in Nashville Tennessee. You can learn more about Angie by visiting her website at or by connecting with her on Facebook and Twitter.
About Breezy Bookshire…
Breezy Bookshire is the illustrator behind Clementine Pattern Co., Noble Rose Press, and The Breezy Tulip Studio. She shares a home studio with her sister Emily Rose, and lives with her family in Marion Indiana. You can learn more about Breezy by visiting or by connecting with her on Facebook and Twitter.
*Bios taken from Audrey Bunny dust jacket
Also check out the book trailer for Audrey Bunny here, where Angie Smith shares what she hopes readers will come away with after reading the story that is so dear to her heart.
The Giveaway…
I am so blessed to be able to offer a copy of Audrey Bunny to two different readers, thanks to both Shelton Interactive and FlyBy Promotions. Simply enter via the Rafflecopter through Thursday, October 31st. Two random winners will be chosen and emailed within a few days of the giveaway’s end.
Why do you think our Heavenly Father overlooks our flaws and accepts us the way we are? I love hearing from you! Until then, happy reading!
Yours in Messiah Yeshua,
I received two copies of Audrey Bunny for review, one from Shelton Interactive and one from FlyBy Promotions. I was not asked to write a positive review. All views and opinions are solely and completely my own. I received no compensation other than copies of the book featured in this post, which are mine to keep. This post also contains affiliate links. To learn more please read my full policy.
Copyright © 2013
I believe God chooses to look past our flaws because he loves us and He knows we are not perfect. True love is giving us freedom to choose freely and making mistakes just draws us closer to Him
Thank you, sweet sister. What a lovely answer:)
His love is so deep for us! Makes me think of how much I love my son and “overlook” the times he gets upset/angry and starts throwing things and everything else that happens when he’s throwing a tantrum. I refuse to let those moments define our relationship and still love him for him. Saying all that, I think that is why God overlooks our flaws because He loves us so much even when we “mess” up! (I hope that make sense!)
What a well thought out answer, Laura. Thanks for taking time to share:)
He created us in His image, weaved us together and loves us with a love deeper and wider than our human minds can fathom.
I love this, Erin! Knowing He made me in His likeness is so unfathomable!
Because of his unending love for us. He is a forgiving God who loves his children unconditionally.
So true, Andrea:) He is Amazing to forgive no matter what!