If you read my blog you know my go-to books are YA Dystopian/ Fantasy. Many of my favorite reads fall outside that category, of course, but that genre is basically my default. So when I picked up Happy to Be Alive, Because by Chelsea Jacobs I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to read it. Just being honest, but guess what?
I’m happy to be alive, because I loved reading Happy to Be Alive, Because.
Call me cheesy or cliche or whatever, but that’s the truth. I wish this book had been available two years ago when my own mom passed away from cancer.
What’s it about?
It’s about this girl named Avery. Her mom dies of cancer and Avery isn’t really sure what to do with herself. Then she finds this plan her mom left behind along with a journal. From there, Avery travels to her mom’s hometown, Glynn Springs, where she not only learns that love does exist after tragedy, but also what it means to be alive…really alive.
Why I liked Happy to Be Alive, Because
A) Reading this book was like talking to a friend. Chelsea Jacobs has a unique voice and her writing flows so well, making the reading experience effortless. It reminded me of how I felt the first time I read a Denise Hunter book. Content. Relaxed. Safe. I also liked that this book had a young adult feel to it, but the romance was clean.
B) The ending made me hope for a sequel. I’m not a spolier. I will say Chelsea Jacobs fulfills her promise to the reader by wrapping up with a good ending, but it’s bittersweet enough to make me crave more of Avery’s story.
C) I related to Avery in ways I’ve never related to another female protagonist. Lot’s of books feature a main character who’s just experienced a tragedy, but Chelsea writes Avery’s story in a way that helped me cope a little more with losing my own mom. It’s been two years, and still I miss her everyday. Reading about Avery’s transformation, how she learned to function and just be normal again, really hit me. It made me look back at my own journey–life after mom. Mostly, Happy to Be Alive, Because really just reminded me that, even though I’ll always miss my mom, I’m still happy to be alive. To be here with my family and live the life my mom always dreamed for me.
I recommend Happy to Be Alive, Because for so many reasons, but mainly because, if you read it, the story will stay with you long after you put it down. When an author can do that, you know you’ve found a winner. I look forward to seeing what’s next from Chelsea Jacobs.
Author Chelsea Jacobs answers YOUR questions…
Tia, age 16, asks “What is your favorite YA couple of all time”?
Christy and Todd from The Christy Miller Series! They have an epic love story.
Lily, age 14, asks “If you could become a character in your favorite book, who would you be and why”?
This is such a tough question because most of my favorite books feature characters that I wouldn’t want to be! I’ll go with Christy Miller.
Medea, age 13, asks “Which Disney princess are you most like”?
I think I am most like Belle from Beauty and the Beast! I’m also incredibly envious of her library.
Danielle, age 12, asks “Do you like ebooks or real books better?”
Real books! I love the convenience of my Kindle, but there’s nothing like holding a real book in your hands, getting to underline your favorite words and turn down your favorite pages.
Katie, age 12, asks “What is your biggest pet peeve?”
When people are unnecessarily rude to one another, especially on the Internet! I don’t think there’s ever an excuse to speak in a nasty way to someone else.
Angelica, age 14, asks, “When did you start reading for fun? Do you remember the first book you read that made you love reading?”
Ever since I learned to read! The first chapter books I remember reading for fun are the American Girl books. I had the matching doll, and my mom and I would read the books together.
Reagan, age 15, asks, “Which faction would you choose in Divergent?”
This is a great question! I’m going to go with Amity, mostly because I hate conflict!
Sofi, age 15, asks, “Which fictional character would you marry?”
I have always had a huge crush on Todd from the Christy Miller Series! Robin Jones Gunn does a great job creating the perfect, dreamy surfer boy.
Kylie, age 17, asks, “How young were you when you started writing? How long does it take to write a book?”
I don’t know how old I was exactly, but I’ve always loved to write. As far as how long a book takes. . .I really don’t know! This particular one took about 3 years of off and on writing. I think my next one will take much less time.
Sam, age 15, asks, “Do you ever judge a book by its cover?”
While I try not to, sometimes I do! I’ll definitely pick up a book that I know nothing about simply because it has a pretty cover.
Thanks, Chelsea for taking time to stop by and answer some reader questions today! Please leave a comment or question for Chelsea. Your question just might be featured in my next author interview!
Connect with Chelsea Jacobs
I received a digital copy of Happy to Be Alive, Because from LitFuse Publicity Group. I was not asked to write a positive review. All views and opinions expressed are solely and completely my own. I received no compensation other than a digital copy of the book featured in this post, which is mine to keep. This post also contains affiliate links. To learn more, please see my full policy.
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